Pro-lifers Still Not Welcome in NY
Gov. Cuomo’s insistence on the Anti Pro-Life Act shows he continues to act on what he said in a 2014 radio interview, that pro-life conservatives are not welcome in New York State.
For all it’s claims of tolerance and pluralism, the secular state is increasingly demonstrating its intolerance of Christianity. Perhaps most of our secular legislators are well-meaning people who are simply convinced that Christians are “wrong.” But if that is so, why attempt to legislate Christian organizations out of existence?
In his 2018 State of the State address, Gov. Cuomo declared, “The New York way is that tolerance is expected from all.” Apparently tolerance is expected from pro-life Christians, but not toward pro-life Christians.
This year, let us show that at times of trouble and anxiety, the premise that made America great still guides us. That we do not seek to raise ourselves by pulling another down, but rather believe we succeed by raising each other up.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo
Governor Cuomo, will you continue to attempt to raise yourself up by pulling down pregnancy centers and their supporters? Or will you stand by your word, and refuse to sign the Anti Pro-Life Act?